But it should be remembered that obesity is a dangerous disease and it has various kinds of side effects. Obesity can affect the mind and body of the person and results in various kinds of ailments also. There is various health risks caused due to obesity and these include diseases like diabetes, arthritis, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, stroke, and some forms of cancer also. Most of these diseases are caused as the result of stress due to carrying around extra weight and this usually has unfavorable effects on the body.
These problems can be corrected with diet and exercise to get rid of obesity but in stages of morbid obesity there are usually other solutions like operations that are implemented too. Researches have shown that obesity can lead to sudden death from heart diseases and this happens due to putting extra stress on the heart and the result is an overworked heart. This overworked heart is responsible for an increase in blood pressure and angina and thus it is not unusual for someone who is obese to fight with high blood pressure and greater cholesterol levels.
None of the symptoms of obesity are healthy and if you are suffering from the same then it is best to implement for sorting out these problems. A major side effect of obesity is diabetes and it has been seen that obese people are twice as likely to generate diabetes as compared to those who are not overweight. They usually suffer from type 2 diabetes, which can lead to problems like heart disease and stroke. The solution here again is increase in physical activity and healthy combinations of food.
It has been seen that obesity increases the chances of osteoarthritis and this happens because the excess body weight puts more pressure on the joint cartilage. As a result the joint most frequently affected is the knee and with weight loss the joint pain associated with obesity-onset osteoarthritis can also be reduced. Another problem suffered by obese people is a condition where a person stops breathing for short periods of time while they are sleeping and this is also known as sleep apnea.
It should be remembered that obesity can also lead to mental problems like loss of self esteem and self confidence and thus curing obesity is the only solution to the same. There are various modes of getting rid of obesity and the healthiest options here are exercising and eating healthy.
It should be remembered that obesity can also lead to mental problems like loss of self esteem and self confidence and thus curing obesity is the only solution to the same. There are various modes of getting rid of obesity and the healthiest options here are exercising and eating healthy.
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